Saturday, April 30, 2005

Saying my Last Farewells...

Listening to Nobuo Uematsu/Risa Ohki - The Promised Land

Haih... I'm seriously too attached to this house to leave... I'm taking short naps... lil'ciggie breaks and still sitting here chatting to people and writing and entry here....

Thank you for sheltering us all these while A2-6-9. To me, you would be the the place where i grew up the most.

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Guu-chan : We're moving? :3 But that house was where i gave birth to Ban-chan!!


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Nadya-chan : Omg, Look at the amount of rubbish u got B! Now, lemme take a token of memory from this pile of garbage :D

*slaps head*

To be honest.... I'm scared... this moving out thing and stuff... Getting a job, getting a new life... it just scares me... maybe im not really the type to get used to changes... well.... let's just cross the bridge when we see it no? ^_^ *cries desperately*

A slab of loneliness just crept up to me......

Friday, April 29, 2005

Me and my slave. Our roles are reversed for the night because it's what the Bday Queen demands. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Death Note.... ROCKS!

Listening to GRAVITATION - Sakanoue Yosuke - SUPER DRIVE

Yeah yeah... tell me about it..... I'm supposed to be packing up to leave. But I'm still in denial... This place holds to much memories to just let go.... So I opted for something more fun!

I downloaded the whole 59 chapters of DeathNote and read it all....

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har har har.... Ooba Tsuzumi and Obata Takeshi Rocks.... Love the art, love the story flow... its so smooth and super sweet and bizarre that i couldn't take my eyes or brain off it... >_< Trust mr.. its super cool and awesome!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

single, available and looking for....

listening to EDEN - To Destination


Ok, here's the deal.... I've always think that the idea of being committed and tied to someone is something that i couldn't tolerate since i was 15. And boy i was so right and up till now it's just something that I feared. Nothing works jsut the way u expected it i guess. So I'd rather oogle and adore people from afar without getting my taited little hands on them. Pretty little things shouldn't have blood on their skin no?

So i did this.

You like the trouble making types.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

See? Now I'm almost convinced that I have the hotties for cute little troublemakers - whereas my soulmate and partner-in-crime Slayerbabe are into those prince charming type. Which if I get hold of one of those I'd punch them on the nose till they bleed so bad that even their mothers cant recognize them.

So lately I've started talking to this particular person. On the outside he looked just like your typical cute little 14 year old boy who would do anything for a piece of candy. Wide eyed, sweet and accompanied by a sunshine smile. But after spending some time-off and getting to know him, he turned out to be a homocidal rapist. huhuhu... nah, he's a unique person that's deeper than he appeared to be and apparently older than he looks. :P

After a long sought social barrier penetration, I preceive that he's a workaholic, super-independent, strong-willed and a charismatic person as well as on the other side being lonely, lost, sad and wanting to be loved unconditionally. When i talk to him i always have this image of him being in a dark candle-lit room with life-wallowing music playing in the background. Which is kinda cool and chiche to me. He used to be a one-liner to me, but kinda opened up a little i guess.

Now that he's found his other-half, all i hope is for him to not be lonely anymore. I love being lonely, but when other people gets lonely, it saddens me. I wish u - all the sugared goodies in this world of Demon Styx, boy. Althought I'm leaving this vast land of nothingsness it sure was good to know that I've met someone as great as you are.

catch of the day "Shinu koto wa sumu yuiitsu no iryuu de aru" - Dying is the only reason to living.

Hence the Saga continues...

I killed 3 flies, 2 mosquitoes, 13 arachnids and 1 heart

so i used the money to get connected to the internet, get converted into the life of techo-paganism and did quizzes!! yey~~

depressed girl

You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either
lost somebody you love or somebody broke you
heart so bad that you can't pick up the
shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You
think nobody can heal your wounds but don't
stop looking because you never know who loves
you enough to try hell the one special guy
could be right infront of your eyes and you
don't even know it.You also love to day dream
because it seems like the only place that makes
you happy.BBut little do you know that people
all around you are trying to make you happy and
you won't let them in fearing you'll get
another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just
try and if things go wrong just brush it off
and try again.It never hurts to try.One more
thing never let that lost love one leave you
heart keep them in forever and keep their
memory alive.

If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm... dat's so me... ^_^ now...

listening to GUZU Shakai no Akai Bara - The Yellow Monkeys

I'm lonely, bored and depressed...

i took up some "side-jobs" to fill my purse.

Revenge killer

You kill for

That is because you have lost something or
someone you held very dear. Now you can't seem
to get over the loss that marked your soul, and
the only solution is to go after the one person
who brought all this pain to you. Chances are
you are angry inside and you bottle everything
up and don't talk to anyone about it. People
may want to help, but you think that they can
never understand your pain and only get
frustrated because of this. But it is important
to see all that you have left and be thankful
of that even if you have lost something great.
It may not be true that Times heals all wounds,
but with time and talking about your feelings,
maybe the hurt will ease.

Main weapon: Yourself
Quote: "You can close your eyes to
reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J.
Facial expression: Gritted teeth and
teary eyes

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

u guys shuld try it too...