Sunday, December 19, 2004


i shall try writing.......

write write...

been doing MAYA all night long...... didnt realise it was already morning... class starts today.... i've got one this noon... crap... after 7 weeks of holiday its sure hard to get up and go to class... wut the hell?????

put up my christmas tree inside and a wreath on the door outside..... also a giant sock on my door for anyone who feels generous on that day :P

wut else? nothing i guess...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

A concoction of crap n bull in a cesspool.....

This is not MY fault.... im pulled into doing this!!!

Anyway, might as well crap since this is already here ne?

Lets start with yesterday.... was supposed to go out with Jen to Time Square n haf a hell of a time but she called me like at 10am and asked if im awake. Of course Im not! She never told me wut time to wake up or get ready or anything... then she sed shes already in One Utama... so i sed "fine, wutever," came back to Villa De La Smoke (unquote Steph - ROTFL) around 7pm, with no keys. GREAT. SO went to hang around a bit with the guys in A3-3-3. Qib came to pass me the keys at 1am, then went back to Shah Alam... *rolls eyes* I came back home, fed the kitties, played PS2 till i slept off at around 7am.

Today... woken up by the horrible singing of those people in Malaysian Idol. I sometimes wonder what they're thinking. Wut's so great about being an Idol? Now I sound like a lameass satisfying herself... I got cranky, went to my comp and started watching Sonic X. OMG theyre soooooooooo adorably cute~~~ Great story too! I was thinking of watching Get Backers.... but I'm scared i cant tolerate anymore gayness. Nothing bad, I just dun wanna get crazy about yaoi n stuff for a wee bit more. When i start a yaoi craze, I'll be stuck in that world for a while... hehehe........

Almost regret to say i wasted such a great weekend.. but at least i get to spend time watching Sonic X.


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