Wednesday, August 24, 2005

100 Questions... make it less than that...

1. Full name : Imagawa Aikiyoshi/Rina
2. Nicknames : Bulma-chan, B, rina-chan
3. Eyes : Hazel
4. Height :164 cm
5. Hair :Brown
6. Siblings : none...
7. Do u like to sing in the shower? : no
8. Do u like to sing in the toilet? : no
9. Birthday: April 16th 1983
10. Sign : Aries
11. Address : Gifu, Japan
12. Gender : Female
13. Righty or lefty : Righty.
14. What do you want in a relationship most? : huh? lots and lots of beating. So i'm masochistic - sue me.
15. Have you ever cheated on someone : No, wanted to - but no.
16. Martial status : single
17. Do you have a car? : Yes
18. What kinda car do you have/want? : some honda/wutever that moves.


19. Movie : Gohatto
20. Song : Kagrra – Urei
21. TV Show : Desperate housewives
22. Actor : Johnny Depp *=p~*
23. Actress : they all look the same...
24. Food : Sashimi
25. Number : 7
26. Cartoon : Gravitation
28. Disney : Whut? >_<"
29. Colour : lavender


30. Do you plan on having children : Of course, 2 boys
31. Do you want to get married : no, not really...
32. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child : about 24
33. How old do u wanna be when your married : no such desire as of now
34. Would you have kids before marriage: maybe
35. Do you have a b/f or g/f : nope. I dun think I'm the type. I suck at romantic relationships.
37. Do you have a crush : yes, on Super Dollfies.

38. Music/TV : Music
39. Guys/Girls : guys?
40. Green/Blue : Blue.
41. Pink/Purple : Purple
42. Summer/Winter : Cold white winter
43. Night/Day : Night.
44. Weird saying I have : “munyuu~”
47. What school do u go to? : huh? done with em and dun wanna remember.
48. Have you ever taken drugs? : If you count paracetamol as one.. heah... heh hehhe hehe... nah not really.. if u're talking about those fun inducing chemicals... i'd rather spent my money on my pets and buy more tangible stuff.
49. What's a major turn on for you? : On screen unreal boys making out with each other. yes. oh yes.
50. How far would you go on a first date? : I dunno... I'm not really a PDA person and i HATE skin contacts. so u guess it.

51. The PERSON you know who is...
Funniest : Jaideep (been to 3 of these crap and u're name's still here, jai) Happiest : Abs (great job, great romantic relationship, great family .. wut else?) Strangest : Jenny (u are very peculiar…)
Most Caring : My mother... love you lots *hugs n kisses*
Tallest : Nadya (ROTFL - i've gotta put ur name somewhere in here babe) Smartest : My chipmunk
Best All Around Person : My daddy... hehehe.... love you lots *hugs n kisshesh*

52. Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? : Ban-chan, Guu-chan, Nad, Abs, Jenny. You guys r the greatest... even how far apart we are...
53. What do you think of soul mates? : nad and abs? they're the other 2/3 that makes the whole me - we are the TRINITY. hahahah. can't live without em.
54. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? : If you've got it, flaunt it. There's no right or wrong. And there's no way to know if ur gf/bf is steering off the mud either. y risk being stupid? I'd say go for it. Coz if u dun, and u found out ur other half cheated on u, u'd feel uber stupid.
55. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? : i dun cry... i cut and laugh.
56. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? : they adapt very well.
57. Are you happy? : yeah, at times.

61. Silver or gold : Silver.
62. Diamond or pearl: Diamonds. yes lots of it.
63. Sunset or sunrise : Sunrinse ( coz i usually miss this, so when i do get to see it i get really estatic).
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping (to swim in the nude): Nope.
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yup, lots of it... not only animals, but also stuffed kakashi, naruto and sasuke.
66. Do you have any piercings? : Lots n lots
68. What song are you listening to right now? : Kagrra - Urei (yes trying to overkill it)
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? : Gifu Ski resort, Japan.
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? : Nad, Abs, Jenny.
72. What's your favourite sport? : sports... does PS2ing count as sports? or dance machines and para-para.
73. What makes you happy? : friends, fritz, shonen ai, food, manga, figurines, SD DOLLS, oh yes.
75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get/buy? : Karakuri Zouzhi Ayatsuri Sakon OST 1 n 2 - lost the first one. :(
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses? : both - but i usually go with none at all... not that blind anyway.
77. What's the best advice given to you? : Stop smoking - good advice, but doesn't mean i'm listening.
78. Have you ever won any special awards? : best fucked up slacker.
79. What are your future goals? : to get an SD DOLL. yes, oh yes...
80. Worst sickness you ever had : Chicken Pox on holiday season... the fact thats it's holiday and u're sick in bed makes it more the unbearable...
81. Do you like funny or scary movies better? : Scary
82. On the phone or in person? : in person, facial expression and body language plays an inportant role...
83. Hugs or Kisses? : Hugs.. of coz... kissings way too personal...
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? : X Japan - Forever Love - nope it doesn't reflect me but i like it.
85. If you die tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? : Nad, Abs and Jenny - be good now and dun fight eh?
86. Do you have any enemies? : haha i'd like to say no, but people like to think they're so i'll leave it to them.
87. What is your greatest fear? : That my friends dun wanna make a proper funeral service for me like the one in "My Chemical Romance - Helena" when i die - I swear I'd come back from my grave to haunt u all if you dun do it!!!!!
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? : rich :D
89. What time is it in Albania now? : like hell i know... some things are best left not bothered with.
90. Have you ever been in love? : I still dun grasp the concept... *blinks*
93. When was the last time you talked to the person that you like : few mins ago - jenny.
96. Do you have any pets? : 3 - Guu-chan, Ban-chan and Fritz-kun :P
97. Are you an alcoholic? : no, i'd rather drink sweet yummy stuff.
98. Who sent this to you? : Fritz, he din send - i copy n pasted from his blog. hah! 99. What do you think of this person : he's so cute!! *hugs n kisshesh*
100. Do you want your friends to write back?: Definitely

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My hubby and father-in-law...

//currently listening to : KAGRRA - HANA//

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nyuu... mite mite.... my hubby and my goth father-in-law...
hehe... ok I got this recently... and aren't they just gorgeous?
Just staring at them gives me orgasmic energy...

life has been a bitch to me some time earlier. But being its bitter glory i secretly get a sick pleasure out of it. Maybe I'm just a little out of it... things can't be helped i guess... just shut those prying eyes off my back and get on ur own crap already... shooh shooh... >_< well then... I shall reveal more later... from now i guess this would be just a place for me to bitch about life and gloat about my wellbeing... do i make sense? no? good.