muhuhu... almost two months since i updated anything... im almost sure no one reads this... but im so bored i'll just write something.
Sweetheart's not back yet. hmmm....
Lately I spent some time playing - Trauma Center : Under the Knife - a game created by ATLUS for the Nintendo DS console. No... i have not owned one yet, but i shall... in due time. So, where i do get to play it? hmm... My boss has one and its kinda like a bait. "You finish up ur work early, Bulma and you shall play the DS. BWAHAHAH!" hehe... yes... that's his exct words. but lately Vera has taken a liking to that game to so i need to beat it to him for the DS.
Mental dilemma... a Nintendo DS or.. an SD doll? T-T haih... sayang... how...??? T-T
Hmm.. so V-day is around the corner. Everyone who knows me will know that I'm a sucker for marketing festive seasons like this! >_< and all these while I am just a bystander... I see people fall over each other, and i get chocolates and flowers, but i don't participate. I remember the times when me and my single friends would sit somewhere, buy each other milkshakes and diss ALL the couples we see. "Look, her boyfriend's late. Hah. padan muke!" "HuhUhu... tuu.. tgk dier tgk marah bf kat phone," "tu tu! he's giving her flowers. geh! mesti ade bees dlm tu!" hehehe...
but they all found their love ones eventually...
Also... I just don't understand guys. Everyone knows im taken. But these people just kept on asking if i would go out to fucking dinner with them. What about a no? And yeah, its not those "No" but it means yes no. It's a fucking NO. How hard is it to understand that 2 letter word? I mean... come on. My mind would be with my honey all the while and u get an empty shell of Bulma on the same table with you. She'll most prolly give you the half hearted smirk, the half hearted nod and the best rolling eyes of annoyance during the whole period.
Marketing Marketing. I know my hunny sez "no, sayang you don't need to buy me anything for Valentines," hehehe.. who u kidding honeycones,,, i mean of coz you dont NEED to... but im sure if i get u something ull take it anyway and be happier. I never know anyone who gets something from their significant other and hated it. I mean if u got issues with ur lover, beats me. But the people around me that i know would accept anything from their sweetpies and appreciate their token of love.
And, yes it's going to be my first valentine with the person i LOVE and i WANT to get him something! Chocolates! Presents! maybe make a card~ and of coz hunny... we'll make our pretty little cupcakes when u come back okay? dun worry about it ^_^
Yes.. I'm making cupcakes for Vday. Red Velvet Cake batter (yumyum) with cute buttercream icing. I'll upload pics of my test batches later. but those test batches were huge muffin size. I'm deciding on tiny cupcake versions later. so the balance of the sweet buttercream and the slightly tangy flavour of the rich cake balances out easier that way. yeah those size org buat kuih raya tuh... hehe...
myuu... @_@ i mish him sho much it makes me cry ....
Well... wishing everyone a good Valentine's ahead. Sayang, Nad, Abs, Afiq, Anas, Jenny, Steph, Ash, Teddy, DD, Lynn, Ayid, Amir, My bosses, all teh SG(roxxorrszz... heh), everyone kay.. if i miss out ur name u dun hafta come and chop my head off... ure just under everyone.. so chill.